This could be the start of something special.
There are lots of animals that would love for this type of attention - just a loving hug that not only gives the animal the feeling of being wanted but also the person that is sharing that love with that animal.
It has been proven that even just giving an animal a pat, a stroke or a hug has a huge benefit on your well-being.
The Merry Moos Farm Project is looking for your support to help us create a care farm where adults have a special place to come along to to unwind, destress, and enjoy nature, and a large animal sanctuary providing a loving home for animals. We hope it will be a special place, for everyone that visits or who helps on the farm and sanctuary site.
However, none of the above can happen until we have raised the capital funding to purchase a small farm.
Our dream to help others. So if you have a dream never give up on it no matter what it is.
Please help us in our ambitions by donating, even a small amount.
Thank you for reading our story. We hope it will have a happy ending.